Sunday, January 25, 2015


I know how much you love extra credit. This is a good thing - it means you want to do well in my class, which I want as well. So, with this in mind, I'm pleased to announce the first extra credit opportunity of the year! 

Professor Victor Pickard (University of Pennsylvania) is coming to GSU on February 9 (1:30-2:30 PM, room 830 25 Park Place) to talk about his book: America's Battle for Media Democracy. Not only is the book terrific, and Professor Pickard brilliant, but the subject happens to be central to the topic of your term paper: the regulation of media ownership. So, not only will you learn something interesting, while receiving extra credit, but you'll also be getting a jump start on your term paper! 

FYI: the term paper is worth 35 percent of your grade, so why not get a head start, right?

If you want to receive extra credit, you must (1) email me by February 8 indicating you will be at the lecture and (2) sign your name on the extra credit sheet that I will circulate at the event. 

If you email to RSVP and attend the full lecture, you will receive 5 percent extra credit on your final paper (which is a lot. If you do the math, this is basically an additional 1.75% added on to your final grade. I'm really nice.)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Copyright Reading

Lawrence Lessig (2002) "Innovating Copyright," Cardoza Arts and Entertainment Law Journal 20(3): 611-624.

Copyright Prezi and PDF

PDF here

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Where do I buy my textbook?

Good question! Amazon is your friend. Click here to buy Communication and the Law (2015), the only required textbook for this class. Do it now or risk falling behind!

Welcome to Communication Law & Regulation!

I'm Dr. Shawn Powers, your professor. This is the website for both of my Communication Law & Regulation courses for Spring 2015. One class meets on Mondays (4:30-7:00p) and the other on Tuesdays and Thursdays (11:00-12:15p). I'll post all sorts of fun content here, reminders, interesting stories relating to the class, and any other communique. So, please subscribe to this site by entering your email address in the "Follow By Email" text box to your right (scroll down a bit). This way, any time I post something, you will receive an email.