First, just wanted to say thank you for two terrific sessions so far this semester. I've had fun, and though we've stayed the entire time allotted, I hope you have found the course interesting and enjoyable. If you are having any trouble at all, or have questions, please reach out to me early so that I can be as helpful as possible.
Second, as I pleaded yesterday, please please please buy your text book ASAP (if you haven't already). Follow the link from the syllabus page to buy it on Amazon, or check out the GSU bookstore. I strongly encourage you to read the assigned chapter or chapters before we discuss them in class. Reading ahead of class makes the content much easier to digest and understand, increasingly your ability to do well on the tests. I've taught this class for several years, and the most important variable in determining a student's grade is whether or not she/he read the text before the class lecture.
Third, I wanted to post the assigned readings that are not included in the text book: Lessig 2002 and Lessig 1999.
Our first test is a few weeks away (Feb 17) and will cover the introductory lecture and readings, copyright, broadcast and cable regulation and internet policy (Hopkins chapters 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12 and the two Lessig readings posted above).
Thanks, again, for a great start to the semester. Looking forward to next Monday. Stay warm!