Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sample Term Papers

Due to popular demand, here are two sample term papers from previous semesters. Please note the following:

  1. I have omitted section one from both papers so as to not give away the answer to that part of the assignment;
  2. Neither paper is perfect, and I don't vouch for the content of either. These are samples for those who are really struggling to understand what the paper should look like. 
  3. You should follow the actual assignment outline in writing your paper. This year's assignment is slightly different from previous assignments, so if you only follow these samples (and not the actual assignment requirements), you will fail. So READ the ASSIGNMENT. 
  4. Don't be stupid and plagiarize from either of these papers, or from anywhere else. Plagiarism means failure. And cite your sources
Email with questions. Or come to my office hours.