I wanted to introduce some additional resources that may be helpful in getting a head start on your term paper (35% of your final grade). The best way to approach the term paper is to start some reading on the topic of media ownership, and think about the question, why does media ownership matter to me? Once you've got an idea as to how the topic connects to your interests, than it is time to start more targeted research, and to start writing. Don't be afraid to use your text book - it is a great resource. Also, ping me if I can be helpful. Or come to my office for a chat. Let's talk about media ownership reform!
- Here is the FCC's website outlining the policy outcomes and different research it used in making its last round of media ownership reforms in 2010. Also, here is an FCC study on the relationship between FCC rules and innovation.
- The Columbia Journalism Review has a terrific archive of who owns what, which is very helpful in determining the state of monopolization across different industries.
- Free Press provides an introduction to the topic, breaking down ownership issues sector by sector.
- Here is a report on the potential for effective media self-regulation from the OSCE.
- Here is the CATO Institute's "In Defense of Media Consolidation."