Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Netflix Speaks out on Net Neutrality

Finally. Netflix chimes in, explaining its decision to pay Comcast to let Comcast's customers subscribe to Netflix. Reed Hastings (Netflix CEO) makes the case for new net neutrality regulations that are stronger than those a federal court struck down in January: 
"Some major ISPs, like Cablevision, already practice strong net neutrality and for their broadband subscribers, the quality of Netflix and other streaming services is outstanding. But on other big ISPs, due to a lack of sufficient interconnectivity, Netflix performance has been constrained, subjecting consumers who pay a lot of money for high-speed Internet to high buffering rates, long wait times and poor video quality. A recent Wall Street Journal article chronicled this degradation using our public data."
If you are interested at all in this subject, the short post is worth your time.